About Us
Nirmala Convent school is affiliated to CBSE. The school, a symbol of service and quality education was founded on June 14, 1963. It has currently more than 3300 students, over a hundred well qualified and dedicated teaching staff and an able body of administration.
" Some people will always throw stones in your path.
It depends on you what you make with them,
Wall or Bridge?
Remember you are the architect of your life. "
The first act in the history of Nirmala Convent School was played out in far away Valencia, in Spain, when the newly appointed Bishop of Ahmedabad, Rev. Monsignor Edwin Pinto, on a visit to his alma mator, persuaded the Bishop of Valencia to send some Spanish nuns to work in Rajkot. It was the involvement of the sisters of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Christ Jesus including Sr. Maria Theresa Unzu in the educational field in Rajkot that paved the way for the establishment of Nirmala Convent School, on 14th June 1963.